Call us on 029 2081 0800, fill in the form or find your local office’s contact details below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you need a listening ear please contact CareLine. This is a confidential telephone and/or email service which can be accessed by all adults in the UK. Find out more.
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Office opening hours:
Monday: 10:00 am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday–Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Call us: 029 2081 0800
Email us:
Write to us: Care for the Family, Tovey House, Cleppa Park, Newport, NP10 8BA
Tovey House, Cleppa Park, Newport NP10 8BA
Phone number: 029 2081 0800
Find our premises
When visiting please use ‘Care for the Family’ or ‘Tovey House’ to find the best directions to our site.
Phone number: 0131 600 0150
Press and media
Please direct all media enquiries to our Press Officer Jody Jones:
Email –
Relevant spokespeople and case studies are available on a range of issues including:
Couple Support, Parent Support, Bereavement Support and specialist areas Bereaved Parents, Stepfamilies, Single Parents, Young Widows and Widowers, Additional Needs.
Journalists who wish to register their details and receive the latest Care for the Family statements and press releases, please email the Press Office.
Request a speaker
If you’re looking to book a speaker for your church or event, please fill in the speaker request form.