Small but Mighty!

Saturday 20 September, Feltham / Saturday 27 September, Belfast

Each year we bring together church toddler group leaders  and volunteers to encourage, equip and resource them for the vital work they are doing in their communities.

At this year’s Playtime conference, we’ll explore how God can do mighty things through the ‘small’ that we offer – you’ll discover that your impact is bigger than you might think!

A flavour of the day …
  • A fantastic choice of workshops packed with fresh and creative ideas for your toddler group 
  • A great line-up of guest speakers providing encouragement and insight
  • Unique opportunities to network with other toddler group leaders from across the UK  
  • Time to worship, share and pray together 
  • Lunch and refreshments included 
  • An exhibition zone and shop filled with resources 
  • A chance to renew your vision and feel recharged to continue the incredible job you’re doing!

'I really had lost my motivation over the last month and wondered if I should continue. You've reignited my fire. Thank you.'

Main speaker – Mark Chester

Mark Chester

Mark has been involved in running parent and toddler groups for over twenty years and is the founder of Who Let The Dads Out?, the largest network of groups specifically for dads and their children in the UK. He is the author of several books, a frequent media contributor and regularly speaks to audiences throughout the UK and beyond. He has previously worked in government, the church and Premier League Football. He is the Men’s Support Manager at Care for the Family. 

Main speaker – Rachel Turner

Rachel Turner

Rachel Turner is the discipleship pastor at Hope Church, Harrogate, and the founder of Parenting for Faith. She is the author of ten books for families, parents and church leaders including Parenting Children for a Life of Faith, Comfort in Uncertain Times, and It Takes a Church to Raise a Parent. She lectures on leadership and intergenerational church at theological colleges and consults and speaks internationally.

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