Navigating the leap from childhood to adolescence
Big Parenting Questions is an event for mums, dads and carers, designed to offer hope and help through the turbulence of those tween years and beyond.
We’ll explore principles that will equip you to come alongside your child as they try and establish their identity, assert their independence and find their place in the world.
Please join us if you’ve …
- Felt disappointed with their attitude
- Wondered ‘where have I gone wrong?’
- Questioned if you’ve got any influence anymore
- Seen unfamiliar and unwanted behaviours
- Noticed their innocence disappearing
Get a feel of the event and find out why other parents loved it …
'Really helpful to understand this period of my child's life and how to approach parenting.'
A parent
No two children are the same and the way your child develops will be unique. Some start asking the difficult questions in the teen years – some MUCH earlier!
Whether you’re in the middle of a question-filled season, or awaiting those difficult (albeit character-building) days – we believe you’ll find this event helpful.
Please note the event is aimed at parents and carers and is not suitable for children.
Robin Vincent
Robin is the Chief Executive of Care for the Family. With a master’s degree in neuroscience and education, experience of supporting thousands of families, as well as his own parenting journey, he has a depth of wisdom and knowledge when it comes to child and brain development. He is married to Hannah, and they have two grown-up children.
Cathy Madavan
Cathy is a popular speaker and author of several books. She has spoken to over 10,000 parents over the past two decades, sharing helpful insight and some of her most memorable parenting moments. She is mum to two grown-up daughters and lives in Bristol with her husband Mark.
Featuring content from Katharine Hill (Care for the Family) and Dr Kate Middleton (Mind and Soul Foundation)
Every stage of parenting has challenges. But when your child hits those tween and early teen years, things can change completely.
One minute you’re singing bedtime songs, or chasing the cutest little giggler around a park, then suddenly, your child is your height (or taller!) and they no longer seem to care about family film nights, day trips, or sticker charts.
Then there are the body changes, raging hormones, and influences from peers and YouTubers to contend with.
While this is all normal, parents and carers are often not prepared enough for the true sense of loss you may feel when your child starts to separate from you and seek increasing independence.
BUT … they still need you. They still need parenting, and even though it might not always feel like it, you are still the biggest influence on their lives.
Without an understanding of the changes happening in them, we can often respond in anger and disappointment, but when we know these changes are expected, we can be on the front foot as parents.
So, if you have questions or you’re just not sure how to get through this next phase, this event is for you!
- A framework to help you answer tricky questions
- A better understanding of what’s going on with their bodies – and in their brains
- Practical ways to stay connected with your child whilst letting them go
- Strategies to keep your child safe, both in the real world and online
- Ways to help your child establish their identity and develop independence
- Increased confidence in how you, and your child, can thrive during this crucial stage in their development
- Super Early Bird tickets are £5
- Early Bird tickets are £6
- Standard tickets are £11
- Groups tickets are £8 each (for groups of 3 or more)
- We never want money to stop anyone from accessing our events. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we are able to offer some complimentary tickets. If this would enable you to attend, please contact us at and we’d love to help.
- The event will start at 7.30pm and finish at 10.00pm
- Doors open at 7.00pm
- Bookings are made through Eventbrite
- Alternatively, feel free to call us on 029 2081 0800 and the team would be glad to help you with your booking
- Please note we do not have facilities to accommodate babies and young children at this event
We value your support and we’d love our events to reach as many families as possible. If you’re able to help us spread the word, we’ve created a number of promotional items which are available to download and share. We would be delighted if you were in a position to do any of the following:
- List our events – lets others know by sharing our info on your website
- Presentations – use the slide during any relevant speaking engagements you may have over the coming months
- Social media – feel free to use our images on your own social media pages
‘It was really motivating, friendly, humorous and very useful.’
‘Really helpful to understand this period of my child’s life and how to approach parenting.’
‘Clear, helpful and encouraging.’