Whether your spouse or partner died recently or some time ago, one of the most positive things you can do is to create some time and space just for you. Many have found our Widowed Young Support Weekends allow them to do just this.

From the moment you arrive you are in the company of others who have all experienced first-hand the pain of losing a partner. It is a safe place to share honestly and openly, as much or as little as you feel able.

By committing to a weekend away, many have found that they have time to explore their feelings of sadness and loss, seek help and be supported by those who understand, renew their strength and find hope. It is also an opportunity to form caring friendships with people you could turn to for understanding and support in the future.

We offer short stay (Saturday to Sunday) and full weekend support events (Friday evening to Sunday).

Widowed Young Support events are for anyone who has lost a partner up to and including the age of fifty or older if you still have dependent children.

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