Getting started

These videos and the corresponding booklets will help to prepare you for the greatest adventure of your life. Getting married is a significant and exciting step in your relationship.

  • The video content is available to stream digitally via this website, with the additional course materials that can be downloaded or purchased online.
  • We recommend bookmarking this page for future use.

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Video content

Session 1: Embark

In this session we will look at the assumptions and expectations each of us bring to marriage. We will talk about how our values, upbringing, culture, and previous experiences could affect these expectations, and how important friendship and dating are within marriage.

Session 2: Engage

In this session we will focus on communication. We will look at communication styles, love languages, and barriers to healthy communication – such as how we use technology – as well as how we can build a strong sense of connection through sex and intimacy.

Session 3: Exchange

This session is all about handling conflict within our relationship in a positive and healthy way. We will look at some key principles for handling conflict when it arises, how we manage money, and how we want to develop mutually supportive relationships with our in-laws, if we have them.

Session 4: Endeavour

In this session we will look at commitment, and what it takes to prioritise our marriage, even when things get tough. We will look at the practical ways we can protect our relationship and how we can work as a team to recognise each other’s strengths.

Additional bolt-on session: Remarriage and blended families (optional)

In this session we will look at the excitement and joy that comes from getting remarried, but also the added complexities it can bring. We will hear from four couples who have experience of remarriage, two of whom also discuss forming blended families.

Course materials

Your pack includes one printed copy of both of the Couple Handbooks and a copy of the Leader’s Guide. Additional copies can be downloaded and printed at home via the buttons below. Alternatively you can purchase further printed copies from our shop.


We love to hear how our resources are being used and how we can improve them. We would be really grateful if you could complete the leader’s feedback form each time you run a session by clicking on the ‘Leader’s feedback’ button.

If you would like to give us feedback as a couple watching, or attending a session run by a leader, please use the ‘Couple feedback’ button.

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