As you may be aware, there are various laws that govern how we collect and use information and Care for the Family is committed to keeping your data safe. The most recent legislation is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Care for the Family is a not-for-profit organisation (full details at the end of this document) and, as such, is not required to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office; however, it is still required to comply with the Regulation.

Under the legislation, you have certain rights:

  • The right to be informed how your personal data is processed.
  • The right of access to your personal data.
  • The right to edit and update your personal information.
  • The right to have your personal information deleted.
  • The right to restrict processing of your personal information.
  • The right to object.
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
    Tel: 0303 123 1113

This document lets you know how, when, and why we collect data and how we use it.

How we collect data

We only collect data from people we are connected to (i.e. we do not buy in data lists). When you give us your personal details, we save it and use it to communicate with you. ‘Personal details’ include things like your name, contact details and personal interests that relate to Care for the Family’s activities.

You give us this information when you:

  • Donate, request materials or information, make a purchase from our online shop, sign up for an event or a specific service, attend an event or training, provide comments or complete surveys, or are in correspondence with us. Sometimes we also collect publicly available information from the Charity Commission, from articles, newspapers or blogs or local directories of churches, schools, or other community organisations.

Our charity works in three core areas of support: parenting, couple support and bereavement support. By donating, booking and/or attending any of our events or training, you will receive information about our core areas of support. You can always opt out of these interests by accessing your preference centre via any email correspondence we send you.

When you visit our website, we collect non-personal data such as IP addresses, which pages people visit and which items they download. We do this to ensure our website is working properly and providing a good service.

If you give us sensitive data, such as religious beliefs or physical and mental health information, we will only keep this information where it is relevant to your interaction with us. Care for the Family also collects and holds information about the contact you make and activities you take part in, such as:

  • Direct Debit details where applicable
  • Gift Aid status
  • Any other information provided by yourself that is relevant to your relationship to us
  • Volunteer with us
  • Become a licensed facilitator

Our lawful basis for processing your personal data

We may process the personal information you provide or that we may collect from publicly available sources to support our legitimate interest in delivering Care for the Family’s charitable mission, or because you have given specific consent, or because we have a contract with you, or we have a legal obligation to do so.

All our emails and mailings include the option to opt-out of further communications should you wish to do so. Information on how to do that is at the end of this document.

We use the information to:
  • Give you news and stories about our work, our activities, and events happening in your area.
  • Provide you with tailor-made content based on your activity and expressed interests.
  • Ask for financial, and non-financial (such as volunteering) support.
  • Manage financial transactions, including processing gift aid applications.
  • Provide information, such as newsletters, or packs that you have asked us to send to you.
  • Keep records of your relationship with us, such as when you’ve asked us a question, had a complaint, attended an event and what areas of our work you have supported.
  • Ask you to join in research to help us improve our services.
  • Undertake some of our specific activities such as befriending.
  • Provide ongoing support if you are a regular user of our resources e.g., in your church or community organisation.
  • Improve the experience on our website so as to meet your needs better. This is issued through your setting preferences on the website and also covered in our cookie policy.


We use cookies, which are small text files, to improve your experience on our website and when we communicate with you. You can allow all or manage them individually. Here are the three types of cookies we use:

  1. Functional
    These cookies ensure that certain parts of the website work properly, securely and that your user preferences remain known for example when you want to login or use the shopping cart. These cookies cannot be disabled; however, your browser can be set to block these cookies. If done, this will mean some areas of the site will not be accessible to you.
  1. Analytical
    We use analytical cookies to optimize the website experience for our users. With these analytical cookies we get insights in the usage and performance of our website. Gathering this data ensures we are able to give you a positive experience of the website every time your visit. 
  1. Marketing
    Marketing/Tracking cookies are cookies or any other form of local storage, used to create user profiles to display advertising or to track behaviour on the website. We do not allow marketing by third parties on our site; however, we use ads ourselves. If you allow ‘marketing’ cookies, we will only use this to show you more services we provide that are relevant to your previous activity. This could include adverts on any social media sites you use.

All cookie settings can be edited at browser level, though be aware this may affect your experience of our website, particularly if you block any cookies. Alternatively, you can clear your ‘cache’ and re-select which cookie policy you’d like us to use as you browse the site.

Whom we share your information with

It is our policy not to sell, trade or rent your personal information to anyone. We only disclose personal data to data processors (for example, companies we use to send out postal mailings) carrying out work on our behalf under a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Any such companies are acting as approved data processors for Care for the Family, and they may only use this information to perform functions as instructed by us. They are required to destroy the information once the function for which it is given has been carried out.

We may need to pass on information if required by law or a regulatory body, like HMRC.

How and where we store your data

The security of your information is very important to us. We ensure that there are appropriate controls and procedures in place to protect your personal details. However, despite all the security and protection we put in the place, the internet is not 100% secure and when you submit data to us, it is always at risk.

We do all we can to protect your personal data, and this includes having the right technology. For example, online forms are encrypted, and our network is protected and regularly monitored. When we receive your information, we ensure that it is securely stored and only accessed by those authorised to do so.

How long we keep the data?

We’ll only keep your personal information for as long we need to fulfil the function that it relates to, or as long as is required by law. For example, HMRC requires us to keep donation, Gift Aid and financial transaction records for seven years.

If you request that we stop sending you marketing or fundraising information, we will keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request.

How to exercise your rights

You can ask us if we are keeping any personal data about you and can request to receive a copy of that personal data – this is called a Subject Access Request. To make a Subject Access Request you will need to provide adequate proof of identity such as a copy of your passport, birth certificate or driving licence before your request can be processed.

Subject Access Requests should be made to the address below.

Supporter Relations Team
Care for the Family
Tovey House
Cleppa Park
NP10 8BA

If you want to change what we send you or how we contact you e.g. by email instead of by post, or make any updates/corrections to your information you can do so by either:

  • Writing to us at the address above
  • Emailing
  • Calling our Supporter Relations Team on 029 2081 0800
  • Changing your preferences in your ‘Preference Centre’ accessible via any recent email we have sent to you.
Changes to this policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes made will be posted to this page. This privacy notice was last updated on 5 June 2024.

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