As your child grows into adolescence it can feel like everything is changing – for them, but also for you as a parent. Why do they care more about what their friends think? When should I give them a phone? How do I deal with bullying? How can I help them manage their emotions?

We asked experts to address some of the big parenting questions and give practical advice, which will help parents navigate their way through this time.

Videos covering: pornography, physiological changes in adolescence, emotional regulation strategies, brain development, mental health, additional needs, friendship – and more.

We have also included some helpful links to other organisations for each section, if you need further information or support.

Our experts

Katharine Hill

Katharine is a Director of Care for the Family. She is a well-known speaker, broadcaster and the author of a number of books including A Mind of Their Own – Building Your Child’s Emotional Wellbeing in a Post-Pandemic World and Left to Their Own Devices? – Confident Parenting in a World of Screens. She is married and has four children and seven grandchildren.

Emma-Jayne Browne

Emma-Jayne is a CAT psychotherapist and parent coach (child anxiety). Her private practice, Nurtured Minds, supports adults and older adolescents through anxiety, depression, trauma and problematic relationships. She also offers a therapeutic coaching programme for parents/carers who are concerned about their child’s anxiety.

Dr Kate Middleton

Kate is a psychologist and a Director of The Mind and Soul Foundation. She is a church leader, speaker and author of several books including Stress: How to De-Stress Without Doing Less. She is married with two children.

Ian Henderson

Ian is the Founder and CEO of Naked Truth Project, a charity working to open eyes and free lives from the damaging impact of porn through awareness, education and recovery programmes.

Nicola Watson-Bird

Nicola is the Additional Needs Support Coordinator at Care for the Family. She has a daughter with additional needs and is passionate about supporting families through their own unique rollercoaster journey.

Video content

Emotional wellbeing and mental health

Our experts share their knowledge on what is happening physiologically and emotionally as children grow into the adolescent years, as well as practical advice to help both parents and children to thrive.

Title and expert

What’s happening in a child’s brain during the adolescent years?

Expert: Emma-Jayne Browne

Video description

A web app created by Parent Zone designed to be a digital friend for children aged 8 to 11 and to make a difference to their emotional wellbeing.

Barnardo’s – Emotional Wellbeing Support Hub
A range of resources, tools and videos focusing on emotional wellbeing for both parents and children.

Young Minds
Free 24/7 support for young people across the UK who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Help and support for children, parents and professionals concerned about the mental health of children and young people.

MindEd for Families
Advice and information that can help parents understand mental health problems and what they can do to support their family.

Friendship and growing up

We asked our experts to share insight about how our children navigate their formative years; through the various stages of friendship, social development, identity and decision-making.

Friendship and growing up

4 Videos
Title and expert

Why does my child care so much about what their friends think?

Expert: Dr Kate Middleton


Nurtured Minds
Emma-Jayne Brown’s services, including online Therapeutic Coaching for parents/carers who want to strengthen their relationship with their child and want to support their child’s mental health.

Advice and support for parents, carers and children about bullying, whether that is taking place inside or outside of school, or digitally via their phone and social media platforms.

Family Lives (Parentline Plus) 
Information and advice on all aspects of bullying, including a free helpline and live chat.

Mind and Soul Foundation
Resources, articles and teaching combining expertise from psychology, medicine and theology to encourage the church to engage with all issues around mental and emotional wellbeing.


We spoke to Ian Henderson about pornography, including subjects such as; the misconceptions about porn use, the effects of porn on our children, practical tips on how to engage in conversations with our kids about porn, and many more!

Title and expert

What do parents need to know about porn?

Expert: Ian Henderson

Video description

The Naked Truth Project
Offers practical support, resources and workshops to tackle the damaging impact of pornography, including an online guide for parents.

Fight The New Drug
A website suitable for teenagers and adults. Using videos and interactive articles that explain the damage that pornography does to our brains, our hearts and our society.

Fortify App
Find healing and recovery from sexual compulsivity through the Fortify App.

Parenting children with additional needs

Nicola Watson-Bird shares key insights into parenting children with additional needs, and how to help them navigate their own unique challenges as they develop into the teenage years.

Parenting children with additional needs

3 Videos
Title and expert

What if my child with additional needs doesn’t want to go to school?

Expert: Nicola Watson-Bird

Video description

Newbold Hope
A parent-led organisation that works with families and professionals to reduce anxiety-led difficult or dangerous behaviour in children with an additional needs or disability.

IPSEA – Independent Advisor of Special Education Advice
The leading charity in the field of SEND law in England. Helping parents navigate the system and secure the education your child is legally entitled to.

Contact families
Support, help and advice for families with disabled children.

National Autistic Society
Advice and guidance about autism and the challenges autistic people and their families face.

Further support

Care for the Family – Parent support
Care for the Family offers a wide range of support for parents in various formats, ranging from books, leaflets, podcasts and live events, to courses you can run in your school or community.  

Parent support organisations
A list of parent support organisations for dads, single parents, parents of adopted children, grandparents and more.

Care for the Family – How to help my teen
In this series of short and practical videos, we tackle tough issues that can affect our teenagers and that we as parents can find complicated and confusing to deal with.

Care for the Family – Parenting podcasts
A list of parenting podcasts from Care for the Family.

Care for the Family – Courses for parents
A list of our courses for parents that can be run in homes, schools or local venues. We have a wide range of courses, some that are led by trained facilitators and others that can be hosted by anyone.

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