Navigating the leap from childhood to adolescence

Big Parenting Questions is a brand-new event for mums, dads and carers, designed to offer hope and help through this time of change in our children’s lives.

We’ll explore principles that will equip you to come alongside your child as they try and establish their identity, assert their independence and find their place in the world.

You’ll come away with …

  • A framework to help you answer tricky questions
  • A better understanding of what’s going on with their bodies – and in their brains
  • Practical ways to stay connected with your child whilst letting them go
  • Strategies to keep your child safe, both in the real world and online
  • Ways to help your child establish their identity and develop independence
  • Increased confidence in how you, and your child, can thrive during this crucial stage in their development

Get a feel of the event and find out why other parents loved it …

'Really helpful to understand this period of my child's life and how to approach parenting.'

Book now!

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