Finding comfort and hope

Losing a son or daughter at any age is one of the most heartbreaking things you can ever face as a parent. Whether this has happened to you recently or some time ago, we invite you to join us on a Bereaved Parent Support Weekend.

Here you will be with others who understand your situation first hand and are ready to listen and offer you reassurance and hope for the journey ahead.

Meet Jane and Dave, our Bereaved Parent Support Coordinators

Making time for you

Many have found that taking an entire weekend away in safe surroundings, where everything is catered for, is a time when they can begin to explore their feelings of sadness and loss.

During a support weekend, you will have time to seek help and advice from compassionate people who have also experienced the pain of losing a son or daughter. Listening to how others have started to rebuild their lives will give you hope and the assurance that you do not have to put on a brave face and cope on your own.

It is also an ideal opportunity to make caring friendships with people who you could turn to for understanding and support in the future.

Whether your son or daughter died last week, last month, or years ago, if we can help you on the difficult ‘journey’ of grieving, we would love you to join us. If you have ever felt that no-one else understands the pain, heartache and the devastation you feel since your son or daughter died, this weekend is for you.

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